Monday, November 01, 2004

A Week of Bush-Bashing

A Week of Bush-Bashing
Last week wasn’t the best week in George W. Bush’s illustrious career. It started off with Al Qaqaa and ended with a video released by what’s-his-name, oh yeah, Osama bin Laden. In between, Bush took his lumps from everyone from Kurt Schilling to the vintage rock band, Orleans. Way to go!

For anyone who’s been residing on another planet for the past week (or, if you’re a registered Republican and just can’t be bothered with these matters), 380 tons of ammo went missing at the Al Qaqaa weapons storage facility in Iraq. Using advanced political phraseology, the official White House response after five days was: “Yeah? So what?”

Moving right along, the Bush campaign also unveiled their new anthem, the golden oldie “Still the One” by the band Orleans. This did not sit well with co-author John Hall, a former Democratic county legislator in upstate New York, who threatened legal action. Surprise! He’s a Kerry supporter. The campaign stopped using the song.