Tuesday, July 19, 2005

More Dishonesty From a Dishonest President

More Dishonesty From a Dishonest President
Capitol Hill Blue
Jul 19, 2005, 07:34

...So Bush, who promised Americans “the most ethical administration in history,” gives Rove and the rest of his gang a walk for leaking classified information to a reporter as part of a planned White House plot of revenge against a public critic of the President.

“It appears that an administration that came to office promising 'honesty and integrity' and to avoid 'legalisms' is now defining ethical standards downward,” said Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich. “In this White House, apparently no aide will be fired or forced to resign unless and until the jail cell door is locked behind him.”

Bush has a long history of association with criminals from Enron con-man Kenneth J. Lay to scandal-ridden House Majority Leader Tom DeLay. His Vice President is still under investigation in Europe for bribery and payoffs while serving as CEO of Halliburton, the same Halliburton that has ripped off the U.S. government with millions of dollars in overcharges through its no-bid contracts in Iraq.

Honesty is a foreign concept to Bush. He lied to Congress and the American people to try and justify an illegal invasion of Iraq, order the Environmental Protection Agency to lie to New Yorkers about toxic substances in the air after the 9/11 attacks and lied again when he promised to fire anyone caught leaking information on the wife of Ambassador Joseph Wilson, a career diplomat whose only crime was looking objectively as the administration’s hyped claims about Iraq uranium purchases in Africa and saying the President cooked the facts.

A new poll from ABC News says only about 25 percent of the American people believe Bush is being honest about the Plame affair – down from 50 percent when the investigation began.

Think of it. Only a quarter of Americans out there think the President of the United States is honest. That means three-quarters of them know Bush for what he is – a liar.

I can’t speak for the rest of you, but I don’t much like the idea of a liar occupying the White House. I don’t like the fact that a liar who did everything in his power to avoid serving his country in a war zone now sends Americans to fight and die in a war based on lies.....