Saturday, April 30, 2005

Watch for fallout

Watch for fallout
In our opinion
Anniston Star

...Now, the Republicans are trotting out “constitutional option” as a substitute and pinning the “nuclear” phrase as an invention of the Democrats. All of this verbal shape-shifting has some doing contortions.

We’d counsel against pushing the Orwellian panic button. The change might be something as simple as a courtesy. Republicans could just be looking out for their president, who says “nook-u-ler,” while his fellow party members and most others correctly pronounce it “nook-lee-er”?

Regardless of how the option is pronounced, Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid needs to be careful with how he handles the fallout. The Nevada Democrat’s suggestion of shutting down the Senate in response would be unwise. We challenge Reid and his colleagues to find a more creative way to display the outrage caused by a few rogue elephants changing the rules just so they can wedge extremist judges onto the federal bench....