Wednesday, March 16, 2005

DeLay's Dirty Dozen

DeLay's Dirty Dozen
Think Progress. Posted March 16, 2005.
A scandalous round-up of Tom DeLay's flagrant trespasses against decency. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay has been a busy man these last few years. Whether bribing congressmen, threatening political opponents, vacationing with lobbyists, or gutting House ethics rules, it's been hard to keep up with all the Hammer's activities. Here are 12 recent highlights from DeLay's illustrious career:
Delay Raises Corporate Cash for TRMPAC: DeLay is embroiled in a scandal in Texas for his active participation in illegally funneling corporate funds to assist state political campaigns. DeLay's political action committee, Texans for a Republican Majority (TRMPAC), is under criminal investigation for using corporate money to finance Texas campaigns.
Delay Bribes Congressman to Vote for Medicare...
Delay Uses Taxpayer Money for Partisan Stunt...
Delay Pays for Golf Tournaments with Cash Meant for Kids...
Delay Promises 'Seat At Table' for Donor...
Delay Takes Money from Texas Prison Company with Legislation Pending...
Delay Blocks Legislation for Partisan Vendetta...
Delay Takes Shady Donations for Legal Defense Fund...
Delay Leaves Ethics Behind On European Vacation...
Delay Leaves House Rules Behind on Asian Vacation...
Delay Kicks Ethics out of House....
Delay Tries to Change Rules to Protect Power...